Monday, 27 October 2008

Field Trip

Im going to talk about my last field trip. It was 3th. 4th. 5th of October, we went to Alhué, with Rodrigo Vargas Teacher and the subject call Gestion Integrada de Cuencas, a very good name. We went on Friday at 10.00 o’clock, in a little bus. When we arrived, we went to meet the place, specially the river. The place is very beautiful, I liked very much. In my group, call fisiosfera, we made measurement, to the Chemical Properties of the river, like conductivity, temperature, pH, etc. When we went to made a measurement I felt to the river, that’s heard me a little. The worst think its i`m sick still now. Return with the history, we had to found places with similar characteristic on different parts of the river. The first night we ate noodles with salsa of course, there was very good. The last night we ate barbecue, whit meat, chorizos, salad, pig, and we drank soda. The boys want to return fast, because played Chile with Ecuador, and they want to see the game. The other people and me want to return because we were very tired, and some people had class at Monday. I think it was a very good fiel trip I learn and I laught very much

Saturday, 25 October 2008

For Pablo

Hi Pablo!. How are you?. I hope you are well.
First, I will like to know about your studies, and I’m going to start asking:
What is the name of your carrier?.
In which university you study?.
Is your last year?.
Do you like your carrier, is you passion?.
Have you worked in something related with you carrier?.

Now i want to ask you about your free time.
What do you do in your free time?
Doy you like practice any sport?
What is your favorite weekend? I mean, go to a party with your friends, go to the cinema, things like that.
Do you prefer the beach or the field?
Do you have any hobbie? Which?

Pablo, when I have to correct the post that you corrected me, was very good for me to understand the “yours” because I put that word always. Now, I understand that there is other words like their for example. And I make mistakes because I’m hasty and I write fast and I don’t read after write.
Finally I want to said that is very good the way that you correct because, there are mistakes very difficult to find, like punctuation, order, etc.

Thanks you Pablo and I hope you have a good weekend.


Thursday, 23 October 2008

My favourite piece of technology

All the time we are in contact with the technology, always on the TV show new piece of technology, like pendrives, MP3, MP4, IPod, etc. But the technology that i prefer is the notebook. I remembered the first time i saw a notebook, i was in my house and my father was sick, so his boss gave him a notebook to work on the house. In this time i was 7 years old, and my father show me this beautiful piece of technology and i liked very much, i don’t know why but i love it. Since this time i dream with have a notebook and i can buy one the last year and was very exciting.
I think that is the best constructions, because you can go to all parts with him and bring them on my bag. I have one in my house and i used all the time, for made works to the university, to chat with my friends, to found information’s, to placed, etc. I like this piece of technology because in the winter i can make works in my bed without problems.
My life without the notebook will be the same, because this technology is not a necessity for me, only give me a pleasure. I was all my life without a notebook. Why would be a necessity now?.

My film

Really i don’t have one favourite film, i like La Novicia Revelde, Quédate a mi Lado, La Verdad acerca de Gatos y Perros, The Lord of the Rings and Star Wars; but i’m going to talk about Quédate a mi Lado. This movie i saw went i had 15 years old, i was with a friend called Katherine in your house and his father bought one day and in the night we saw, we made popcorn and we drank soda. Since this moment i liked very much.

This movie is about a woman called Jackie (Susan Sarandon) who has 2 child, Anna (she had 13 years old) and a boy called Ben (he had 7 or 8 years old). Jackie was separateds of this hundsband and he has another woman called Isabel (Julia Roberts). Jackie hate Isabel and Jackie don’t want that Isabel stayed with your Childs. One day Jackie gave Isabel the oportunity to take care the childs but Isabel (she is photographer) was only worried about his job.
Time after Jackie go to the doctor and detected cancer. In this moment Jackie change the way to see the things especially for yours childrens ….Well, the other i prefer don’t explain. Please see it because is very good and beautiful.