Monday, 25 August 2008

My English Experience

Really I don`t remember my first class in English, but I`m going to talk about the first class that I remember, of course. I was on American British School in primary school, and my first teacher was very good, I always had the best marks, but one day a girl call Paloma (she was the teacher`s daughter) so she start to had the best marks. After that, my mom changed me to another school call Santa María de Lo Cañas, and there, had a teacher amazing she was very good. When I was 13 years old I was French, in the school, and the teacher was very bad, so my experience with another language was horrible, I had very bad marks. I don`t know if im successful or unsuccessful, but I think that I can understand people that talk this language and I can write for the people understand me. I think that a successful person can talk without problems and all the people can understand them. I think that im a starter learner, because there are many think that I don`t know. I think that talk English is very easy because you can improvise with pronunciation and its more easy express myself. And I find difficult the grammar, because you have to learn all the verbs in past, and the present, and the other difficult for me is the vocabulary, because in my school I didn`t use much word so its hard for me the translate for example. The English culture is very respectable but I love the Chilean culture, I think we have a spark that English culture doesn`t have. I don`t have a friend that was England, but I know people that talk English very good, for example the husband of a friend, he talk very good because his father was England and he learn him. The English is very useful for me, because in my career all the documents or papers (the bibliography) are in English, so I have to translate and I need understand very well the ideas.

Saturday, 23 August 2008

Summary....."Deserts cities are living on borrowed time, UN warns

The people that are living on the desert cities have a life more unbearable by the high temperatures and the salinization of the water, says the UN.

For the increase of the temperatures and less rainfall the deserts move closer to communities that leave on the periphery, less land to cultivate, and lost of wild species.

The report suggest that the deserts become to energy powerhouse (capturing the solar energy and export electicity to all world). But the problem is the salinitation, because the water is undrinkable, and there isn’t water for crops. For other part, the incease of the temperatures complicate the melting of glaciers and there is more water evaporation, hence the water will drying up.

Finally the reports envisages that the deserts become to touris attraction and some plants that will grow there could be the “crops of the future”.

Monday, 18 August 2008

My Life

Hello my name is Natalia i have 21 years old, i have a brother, his name is Guillermo, he study Geology and he live in the center of Santiago with her girlfriend and her daughter call Helena, she is 9 month and ahe is very very beautiful. I live only with my beautiful mother call Cecy.
I always lived in La Florida, I like very much, is very quiet. My friends live very near so, its very good.
In my short life I have many hobbies, first I collected ¨esquelas¨ (are papers with colours, figures and some times with smell) after I collected keychains, I was 2 years collected, my friends and my family gave me. Afer that I collected bus ticket of course before Transantiago becacuse the ticket have different figures, there are beautiful. Finally born in me a love for the Teathre so, I enter to a summer workshop in the University of Chile and was there all the summer, I always was teathre plays. Now I don´t have a defined hobbie but I like go to the cinema, and walk for the city know new places.
Well now im study Geography and every year I like more I think that I find my area into geography so I feel very quiet and happy.