Saturday, 23 August 2008

Summary....."Deserts cities are living on borrowed time, UN warns

The people that are living on the desert cities have a life more unbearable by the high temperatures and the salinization of the water, says the UN.

For the increase of the temperatures and less rainfall the deserts move closer to communities that leave on the periphery, less land to cultivate, and lost of wild species.

The report suggest that the deserts become to energy powerhouse (capturing the solar energy and export electicity to all world). But the problem is the salinitation, because the water is undrinkable, and there isn’t water for crops. For other part, the incease of the temperatures complicate the melting of glaciers and there is more water evaporation, hence the water will drying up.

Finally the reports envisages that the deserts become to touris attraction and some plants that will grow there could be the “crops of the future”.

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